Shit Theory
“Two ways to be fooled are to believe what is not true, and to not believe what is true.” Kierkegaard
Among Einstein, Bohr, Rutherford, Heisenberg, et al, relatively uncertain of politically correct existential style, fashion, fad, mode, and so on, what philosophical consistency is really logical, or rational, in quantum leaps of faith tantamount to scientists divining theory as religious in nature as Zen Buddhism? Will Jung’s collective consciousness offer any hints of real, true non-locality in egos gone to hell, with the best of intentions, of course, in hand basket cases?
Can questions answer questions?
Can fiction be more real than fact? Is this especially true if reality must be changed, by improvement, to survive futures challenging more than now? May presence surpass past, for such change is almost entirely dependent on sincere desire for more, in better futures? As true needs yet lacking cause hopes, dreams, and imagination in memory reflecting self in great anticipation, plan, word , or deeds, can accomplishing what was ironically created from its “initial” absence just be virtually something from nothing? As Ayn Rand would have us believe, perhaps, once, abstractly entertaining but remote possibility, was the enormous power of money, functionally equivalent to magic, making more mass of memory than vice versa, in fact?
As Schwarzschild radii defy trial and error, in reconciling quantum theory with relativity, might string theory evolve to holopathic balance in irony?
Indeed, does Fred Hoyle get the last laugh?
During my old acquaintance’s excellent adventures at the University of Chicago, during the sixties, he and his group of brilliant peers observed that two types of people generally inhabited the planet, namely, “assholes”, and “dipshits”.
To explain these remarkably albeit pathetically mundane observations, several hypotheses were offered by the various group members, all of whom had something more or less worth mention, at least, or otherwise useful to add to such profoundly substantial discourse. Within scholarly standards good enough for government work, in research and development practiced in their close security of subject matter, the group eclectic refined terms and definitions of these sufficiently to test experimental regimens, the results of which eventually culminated in a somewhat loosely formalized, if not, indeed, messy, theory of shit, so to speak, or write:
To wit; “shit” per se is intellectual content of any given statement as presented through rhetoric in propositional assertion, or inquiry, by definition herein:
Class Qualitative;
A Horseshit is what a stater believes, and wants statee to also believe as a statement.
B Bullshit is what stater doesn’t believe, yet wants statee to believe.
C Catshit is what stater doesn’t believe, and doesn’t want statee to believe, either.
D Chickenshit is what stater believes, but doesn’t want statee to believe.
(Are we now left to wonder what almight dog do?)
Note: The original Chicago group postulated the first three qualities. When my old acquaintance told me this, I asked him about “chickenshit”, poking a gaping hole in this otherwise magnificent paradigm. He identified the object of my observation as reverse bullshit, which I found cumbersome, excessively syllabic (a no-no of ours) and, frankly, somewhat disingenuous, among other things I mentioned which seemed to shut him up for the time being. In fact, we never discussed this controversy again at any notable length.
Grade Quantitative (levels)
0 epidemic, indistinguishable shit, “crazy”, savant, insanity, mad, aka “insanity marshes”
1 common, practical, skill, artifact, mundane, plain, proverbial
2 uncommon, clever, talent, craft, witty, remarkable,
3 rare, brilliant, gift, art, precious, ingenious, wise
Assholes go around making piles of wildly varying sizes and strengths, and the dipshits all come along with their little spoons … to dip … So, in sum, finally, is best to simply always take “fact”, at face value, to swallow what’s fed with a grain of salt, at least to indicate some accounting for taste, or act like it?
Does any shit not stink, really?
Does any of this, here and now, in statements presented, always explain or rationalize why must be more horses’ asses in the world than are horses?
How can we be sure we’re unsure vis à vis uncertainty “principle” from Heisenberg?
Am I surely as full of shit as a Christmas turkey?
Would my old acquaintance be proud of me?
Howhy almight we all be full of shit, forever, with any luck at all?
Alimentary, My Dear Watson!
Thanks, food fulks (fun-folks)…
How about a show celebrating the “other end” of our mouths? Is eating really anywhere near all it’s cracked up to be, in view of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and GERD, all epidemic now, much in part due to commercial influences of vendors feeding us more than we’re supposed, by nature, to be swallowing, ad nauseum? Am I just pulling this idea out of my ass, so to “speak”?
It’s only food, for Christ’s sake! Indeed, if it is so great, then why do we only celebrate it half-ass, huh? This really should be extended to two, too many doubled down, who deserve honorable mention, to tolerate being called anything but late for a meal, and who will do many things, but never too many, or too few … Bon appetite!
Just because we may not know, surely, yet, where shit comes, and where shit goes, doesn’t mean shit has no real etiology. Take apples, for example, or oranges, if preferable. We usually know they come from trees, and the trees come from fruit seeds, and suckers, but always from other trees either directly, or less directly. Trees evolved with other life originating here on Earth, and, possibly, plausibly, some even say probably, and I can’t reasonably disagree, maybe elsewhere as well. We know less about fruit tree origins the farther we go back through time to try to remember, back through earth, and solar system, “memory”, and further, to dimmer re-collections of facts spread far, and wide, by supernova and galactic origins of elements and light we see in the dimmest of cosmic memory with which we may consciously articulate. To some degree or another, away somewhere too far near the big bang singularity, memory, apparently, generally dissipates into functional amnesia, drawing a blank before our universal singularity …
[Immediately subsequent to this universal big bang, what precluded perfectly homogenous and even flow in initial universal expansion in substantial effect which led to quasi-regular segregation of mass in some regions while others (proportionately/) rarified to emptier “space”?]
From a dropped pebble, as waves ripple away from point zero of impact with the surface, across a pond’s watery area of phase boundary to atmosphere, they eventually collide with those of another pebble dropped somewhere, and/or somewhen, different in the pond, and, at the points of wave front collisional tangents to their growing rings, the outermost waves first reflect each other, bouncing back in the very directions from which they originated to eventually merge. On a water world, the “pond” would more resemble an unbounded Mediterranean sea, or Atlantic ocean with no shore, landless, covered completely by vast depths. Were the water world fluid of zero viscosity, a super-fluid liquid, could but one pebble caused wave front group interference with itself enough to create more than smooth oscillations from the point zero to an opposite point on a diagonal polar axis, or would two pebbles in different locations of place and/or time be required to accomplish such “magic”? Could waves have ever been created, originated or otherwise begun without any pebble?
If outermost wave fronts of universes draw upon their mutual masses with elementary gravity (solving the mystery of “dark energy”, by default, incidentally), then their tangential collisions coalesce and finally collapse into point mass singularity origins of creation, before big bangs.
Almight we need faith, or proof, to be “sure”? Given apples, and oranges, how do we “know”, after we’re “done” with them, they have no future purpose or meaning, after being flushed down the toilet, just because we may think we don’t “know”, really, yet, enough about plumbing, among other things, to know when shit comes, and when shit goes?
Howhy almight late-night so-called “comedians” declaim this status quo shit injust won’t cuthrough it cany better than pons asinorum?
In sum, to review briefly, two sorts of people inhabit earth;
Assholes go around making piles of wildly varying size, and obsequiously servile
dipshits consume these with relish by the use of their tiny little spoons.
Four (4) classes of shit are:
A Horseshit is what you believe (+) and you want someone else to believe (+).
B Bullshit is what you don’t believe (-), but you want someone else to believe (+).
C Catshit (-) (-).
D Chickenshit (+) (-). Emblematic is Rosey O’Donnell, for example, who believes in gun rights for her but not for anyone she doesn’t like.
Four grades of shit are:
0 aka the Insanity Marshes is indistinguishable shit because it’s insane.
1 Skill is ordinary, good, bad and/or ugly, mundane shit.
2 Craft is extraordinary, clever shit.
3 Art is rare, in historical, if not biblical proportions of brilliant shit.
NOTE: Baptized twice, first as a Catholic and last as a Presbyterian, suffice said that I am confused about benefits of institutionalized religion versus true faith in the divine spirit of Supreme Being.
May be God blessings mysterious ways about such as for which any apology due from me pending further review, among other things.
Fast talk misses.
First explaining how God is timeless as eternity, this cheap imitation* of a shill, this imposter of propositional calculus, then proceeds to browbeat a dead man, Fred Hoyle, for his alleged denial of the words, “In the beginning…” for example, however, Fred Hoyle was NOT making fun of Christians in his last admittedly vain grasp at straws, while still trying to just defend his Steady State Universe theory, when he QUESTIONED,
“If this is not a steady state universe, then where did all of this come from; A big bang?”
His main rival, George Gamov, mocked him by claiming THE big bang, with no prior cause, smacking of magic, or divine.
Don’t try beating me over the head with any Bible, if you don’t want it shoved right back down your big mouth, big shot!
Fast talkers fake, in my modestly humble opinion, among other things.
*Sales pitch miss
The Dome: A Simple Violation of Determinism in Newtonian Mechanics